Friday 27 November 2015

Mock is the Week

Mock Turtles, Mockingbird, Mockadoodledoo...

This week has been quite exciting in the life of me. Firstly work, mocks everywhere for all around the college. For me Business AS and Economics AS, very exciting and very nervous at the same time and that's just me!

I was met with very very familiar questions or outrageous accusations at the start of every mock, "we haven't learnt this?!", "what does this mean?", "you didn't tell us to revise this!". All huge lies obviously.

It seems everyone was thrown by the wording that exams use and the situation of a exam environment has wobbled them a bit. Not much hope shown by many but I see it as a positive, it is still relatively early days and the only way is up. 

I shall be engulfed by these mocks all weekend with much marking to do and also squeeze in my planning for next week also, I don't think I'll be getting up to any antics at all but that will probably be a good thing as I can save the money. Speaking of which it was recently pay day...I wish I got paid more but doesn't everyone! However I'm happy with my take home salary, it covers my rent, I can save a little bit and live relatively comfortably and enjoy some nice things now and then.

SO...another week down and 3 more to go, still plenty of work to do and plenty of progress to be made, it's starting to get serious at work now with targets/ambitions wanting to be achieved but the heavy truth starting to come into play also and some learners being 'found out' or starting to realise their aspirations need to be a little more realistic.

In other news George Osbourne has announced the spending review and seems like our sector has not been hit as badly as expected. Still cuts being made but not too severe. Hopefully the government will notice that their aim of having 16+ year old in education and gaining new skills requires funding in this sector. I don't know too much about the spending review at this moment in time but I do know that it is a very tough job with countless difficult decisions that could not make. How can I justify cuts in certain sectors to benefit another. They are all equally important sectors that deserve enough funding to function effectively. Balancing the cash flow of the country would be a major challenge especially due to our size and I would mess it up royally!

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