Tuesday 17 November 2015

Creativity, inspiration, call it what you want it has left the building.

Brain Block

Today I have mostly been suffering from brain block, mind blank, empty head space and general lack of creativity.

Not ideal in my profession. I'm trying my best to conjure up some some creative way of delivering lessons on A) Marketing Plans to my A2 Class and B) Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning to my AS Class. I'm really struggling here, Marketing was supposed to be fun and creative...at GCSE level it was. At A-Level it is mind numbingly dry and boring. It's almost as the more intellectually difficult it becomes to more boring and dull it appears to be. There is only so much I can take. 

I have overcome this problem somewhat. Filling time playing educational games should do the trick based on definitions. Not hardly stretching their capabilities but it will have to do for now and should easily fill an easy 15 minutes of the lesson.

I only had two lessons today but my they were boring. My lessons seem to be so boring at the moment as I slowly send myself to sleep in them. I need some inspiration and other resources I can use, someone must have something out there!! I had 2 economics classes today. First lesson was about Trade Creation and Diversion where I spoke and drew a diagram on the board for an hour. I couldn't believe it! the first time I have ever done such a thing, I felt so ashamed. Later I had a lesson on changes in supply and again very much stand at the front and talk. This is not what I had in mind or how I intend to deliver my lessons. A little bit of stand up talking and explaining but then the rest is up to the students and they can crack on with it all. 

I'll get there...eventually!

In other news there has been some terrible goings on in the world all coming from certain extremist militant groups. Awful acts all over the world, the Paris one in particular has the majority of media attention and of the Western World but lets not forget Beirut and Lebanon. To be honest living in the North it would have not concerned me as much as nobody is really bothered about up north but now I live here in London (just about) it has made me more aware and frightened about any future attacks here and how close I am to what must be a major target for these violent groups.

Also Facebook...the stuff that had been coming out of these keyboard warriors is so stupid that is almost funny. People labelling and pointing fingers, jumping to stereotypes and categorising the majority through a minority is ridiculous. I feel for the honest and good people out there who are suffering because of the actions of the minorities. However that is not my biggest issue...it is the hoards of people who have changed their profile picture with the French flag colours in the background. I refused to do this for a couple of reasons. 
Firstly - how is that actually going to help anyone?
Secondly - what about Lebanon, Pakistan and other countries?
Thirdly - I bet the majority of the people changing their profile picture don't have a clue and will most probably generalise and immediately point their finger at the majority and blame them
Fourthly - It's jumping on the bandwagon and it's just something I don't dig.

Anyway that's just my side and I respect people for their side and how they choose to honour the situation as long as they can justify it and they are educated in the situation. If not... sorry I don't have time for it. 

This will do for now.

Ansoff is everywhere.

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